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Actipro Wizard - Easy Silverlight wizard dialog creation Cart Not logged in Log In Register Forgot Password Resend Validation E-mail Products WPF Controls WinRT Controls Silverlight Controls WinForms Controls ASP.NET Controls Code Writer App Icons Download Evaluations Freeware Online Demos Purchase Shopping Cart Price Lists Sales FAQ Support My Account Support Tickets Knowledge Base Consulting Services Community Blog Twitter Page Discussion Forums Polls WPFpedia Company About Us Contact Us Policies Our Customers Testimonials News Room Media Kit Careers Wizard for Silverlight Everything you need to quickly create wizard dialogs in your applications Online Demo Download Buy Now Learn More Product Overview Page Design Page Navigation Latest Release Supported Environments Silverlight 5 or later Expression Blend Other Notes Source Code Available Bundled in Silverlight Studio Resources Silverlight Blog Entries Discussion Forums More Silverlight Controls Additional Benefits Thorough Documentation Help topics cover all controls and product features in great detail. Numerous Samples Many full-source demos and QuickStarts are included. Designer Functionality Configure the product using Visual Studio and Expression Blend designer enhancements. Rock Solid Code All pre-obfuscated code is scanned by the VS Code Analysis tool, and warnings resolved. Page Navigation The order or sequence of the pages pages in the Actipro Wizard can be easily customized and manipulated, giving you complete control. There are also several visually appealing transitions which will really make your application stand out. Page Sequencing The Wizard control has many helpful features for setting up the sequence in which pages will be visited. By default, pages will be visited in the other that they are defined in the wizard. While this linear sequencing works in many situations, the order of the pages can be easily customized to achive much more complex sequences. Next and Previous Pages For every Wizard page you can override the default page sequencing by specifying the next and previous page to visit. The next and previous page can be specified by reference, name, or index. This allows for circular sequences, which is helpful when a given step may need to be repeated several times. Sequence Types The Wizard control offers two types of automatic sequence handling when navigating backwards through the pages by clicking the Back button. The normal sequence types simply navigates linearly through the pages, while still respecting the previous page setting. The stack sequence type is more advanced and tracks all the pages visited by the end-user in order. This allows the end-user to easily navigate backwards through the wizard, even when a given page may have been visited more than once. Disabled Pages Any pages that are disabled will be skipped by the default page sequencing. Page Selection The selected item/page in the Wizard control can be easily changed programmatically, as well as through several cancellable selection change events. Selected Item/Page The selected item in the Wizard control can easily be set by reference or by index. These properties can also support data binding, which makes it easy to integrate into MVVM applications. Selection Events Whenever a selected page change occurs, regardless of what caused it, numerous events fire. The event sequence is designed so that you can process the selection change events at either the wizard or page-specific levels. Several changing events are the first events raised after a page change request, both on the Wizard control as well as the appropriate pages. These events can be used to cancel or customize the page change operation, thus preventing the user from navigating away from the given page. If the page change operation is not cancelled, then a similar series of page changed events will be raised. Page changed events are a great place to add code to initialize a page that is about to be displayed. The selection events include a lot of information about why the selection changed, which allows you to determine whether you may want to take some sort of programmatic action to override or cancel a page change. Transition Effects Wizard supports numerous types of animated transition effects to add some extra dazzle to your wizard dialogs during selected page changes. Transition Settings Different transitions may be applied to forward progress page changes and backward progress page changes. This allows you to perform a certain transition effect in one direction for forward movement through pages, and apply it in the opposite direction for backward movement through pages. Transition Types There are numerous built-in transitions that are available for use including: None - Instant page change. Barn door wipe - A wipe transition between two pages that uses two straight bars with a configurable gradient spread. Bar wipe - A wipe transition between two pages that uses a straight bar with a configurable gradient spread. Fade - The old selected page fades into the new one with optional blur effect. Faded zoom - A crossfade transition between two elements that zooms the new content in as well. Slide - A slide transition between two pages that moves one page over the other. Push - A slide transition between two pages that pushes one page out of the way for the other. Custom transitions can easily be built programmatically or in XAML as well. Here are samples of three of the most popular transition effects, and how they appear before, during, and after a page change. Fade Slide Bar Wipe Products WPF Controls WinRT Controls Silverlight Controls WinForms Controls ASP.NET Controls Code Writer App Icons Download Evaluations Freeware Online Demos Purchase Shopping Cart Price Lists Sales FAQ Support My Account Support Tickets Knowledge Base Consulting Services Community Blog Twitter Page Discussion Forums Polls WPFpedia Company About Us Our Customers Testimonials News Room Media Kit Careers Contact Us return false;


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