What influences your app purchases most? We help getting your app designed and to market Tweet App Icon UI Design Blog Welcome to an app design blog from Aimup Apps. We're definitely better at drawing than writing so please feel free to check out some of our work here. What influences your app purchases most? I asked this question on Quora last week here is the best reply. 4) Word Of Mouth - Most people, including me, still get app recommendations from other users. Hence, it creates a situation where the popular apps get even more popular. It does not have to be the best, but if I see it's a acceptable solution, it is good enough. E.g. I found out about Goodreader and Whatsapp from other users, and I've found that I myself am heavily recommending them. Trackback Link Trackbacks Post has no trackbacks. Previous Next Recent Posts Background image sizes and filenames - iPhone, iPad guidelinesApp icon sizes and filenames - iPhone, iPad and iTunes guidelinesWhat influences your app purchases most?Home screen launcher icons, what are they? and how to add one to your website?Why you should start your app with Icon Design not only finish it! Tags Archive
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