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Numerous Samples Many full-source demos and QuickStarts are included. Designer Functionality Configure the product using Visual Studio and Expression Blend designer enhancements. Rock Solid Code All pre-obfuscated code is scanned by the VS Code Analysis tool, and warnings resolved. Controls Numerous controls are included which can enhance user input, such as masked input, date/time selection, ratings, and much more. MaskedTextBox Mask Input into a MaskedTextBox is restricted to a specified regular expression mask. If the user types any characters that would violate the regular expression, then it will be ignored. Prompts One or more prompts can be displayed when additional input is required. Any character or Geometry can be used for prompting, giving you full control over the look of your control. You have complete control over the brush used to render the prompts and when they are rendered (always, only when the control has focus, or never). A MaskedTextBox with a default and custom Geometry prompt, and underscore character prompt Custom Validation When the regular expression is not sufficient, you can apply custom validation or value coercion. The TextChanging event allows the underlying text to be checked and/or altered before it is committed. In fact, many of the parts-based editors leverage this functionality to ensure valid data is entered. MonthCalendar Selection Several selection modes are supported, which mimic the feel of the ListBox selection modes. Single selection allows only one date to be selected at a time, and the selection follows the focused date. Multiple selection allows several non-contiguous dates to be selected without having to hold down the Control and/or Shift keys. Extended selection works like single selection, but allows additional dates to be included by hold down the Control and/or Shift keys. Finally, Range selection works like Extended but requires the selected dates to be contiguous (not counting disabled dates). A MonthCalendar with two ranges selected using the Extended mode Additional selection logic can be implemented by handling the SelectionChanging event, or you can cancel the selection change all together. Disabled Dates The selection can be restricted to certain dates using several options. A minimum and maximum date can be specified, thus disabling any dates outside the given range. This also has the effect of preventing the end-user from navigating outside the specified range. Individual days of the week can be disabled, thus preventing them from being selected. This allows you to prevent weekends from being selected (e.g. Saturday and Sunday). In addition, individual dates or ranges can be disabled as needed. Custom Item Styles Each item of the MonthCalendar control can have a custom Style applied to it. In addition, a StyleSelector can be used for more complex logic such as making the text of odd numbered Tuesdays bold. Styles can also be applied to month items, year items, etc, so you are not limited to just the day items. A MonthCalendar with custom styles for individual dates AnalogClock The AnalogClock control can be used to display and interactively update the time portion of a DateTime value. When enabled the hands can be dragged with the mouse to set a new time. An AnalogClock with the second hand and ticks visible Calculator The Calculator can be used by end-users to interactively calculate numeric values. Three different display modes are supported, which include minimal, basic, and standard. The Calculator control in the standard display mode CountryComboBox/CurrencyComboBox The CountryComboBox and CurrencyComboBox controls can be used to provide country and currency selection in your application, respectively. A list of countries and currencies are displayed, as defined by the ISO. This includes the name, a two-letter code, and for currencies, the associated symbol. A CountryComboBox (left) and a CurrencyComboBox (right) A given currency can easily be mapped to or from its associated countries. EnumListBox The EnumListBox control automatically presents the values of an enumeration with a more intuitive interface. Bind to an enumeration property and the control will automatically determine the possible values and display them appropriately. An EnumListBox control presenting a flags enumeration Full support for flags enumerations, which displays values using three-state check boxes. Zero and unioned enumeration values can be displayed separately from individual enumeration values. Rating The Rating control renders glyphs that can be used present an average rating or collect a user rating. By default, professional star glyphs are used, but can be fully customized. Includes support for both vertical and horizontal orientations and any number of items/stars. A Rating control showing a user rating of 4 out of 5 Spinner The Spinner control includes two buttons which can be used to increment and decrement a value. Includes support for both vertical and horizontal orientations and is fully themed. Products WPF Controls WinRT Controls Silverlight Controls WinForms Controls ASP.NET Controls Code Writer App Icons Download Evaluations Freeware Online Demos Purchase Shopping Cart Price Lists Sales FAQ Support My Account Support Tickets Knowledge Base Consulting Services Community Blog Twitter Page Discussion Forums Polls WPFpedia Company About Us Our Customers Testimonials News Room Media Kit Careers Contact Us return false; is owned by Rolera LLC, 2270 Route 30, Oswego, IL 60543 support\at\clker\dot\com