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Actipro Gauge - Circular, linear, and digital gauges for WPF Cart Not logged in Log In Register Forgot Password Resend Validation E-mail Products WPF Controls WinRT Controls Silverlight Controls WinForms Controls ASP.NET Controls Code Writer App Icons Download Evaluations Freeware Online Demos Purchase Shopping Cart Price Lists Sales FAQ Support My Account Support Tickets Knowledge Base Consulting Services Community Blog Twitter Page Discussion Forums Polls WPFpedia Company About Us Contact Us Policies Our Customers Testimonials News Room Media Kit Careers Gauge for WPF A complete set of circular, linear, and digital gauge controls, along with LED lights and toggle switches Online Demo Download Buy Now Learn More Product Overview Circular Gauge Linear Gauge Digital Gauge Latest Release Supported Environments Expression Blend Other Notes Source Code Available Bundled in WPF Studio Resources WPF Blog Entries Discussion Forums More WPF Controls Additional Benefits Thorough Documentation Help topics cover all controls and product features in great detail. Numerous Samples Many full-source demos and QuickStarts are included. Designer Functionality Configure the product using Visual Studio and Expression Blend designer enhancements. Rock Solid Code All pre-obfuscated code is scanned by the VS Code Analysis tool, and warnings resolved. Circular Gauge CircularGauge can be used to recreate everything from analog clocks to speedometers, seen in everyday life. Using multiple pointers or scales you can present several data points all from a single gauge control. Frames The CircularGauge control supports several types of built-in frame rims and backgrounds, whose colors and styles can be configured independently. This allows you to mix and match the various effects supported by each to suit your needs. Two CircularGauge controls with dark semi-circle frames Glass Effect An optional glass effect can be used that produces a more stunning and realistic look. CircularGauge shown with (left) and without (right) the glass effect Custom Frames In addition to the built-in frames, a completely custom frame can be used to achieve a unique look using a custom geometry or image. Full customization of the frame can be achived using WPF drawing contexts and custom rendering logic. Scales and Ticks Any number of scales can be added to the CircularGauge control, which determine the overall placement of the gauge elements, such as tick marks and pointers. In turn, any number of tick-sets can be can be used, which determine value ranges and intervals, such as where major ticks should be rendered. This allows you to precisely display multiple pieces of information in a single gauge. Tick Marks and Labels Labels or marks can be added, or excluded from, anywhere along a scale based on a given value. Ranges To highlight areas of interest, ranges can be added with identifying colors. CircularGauge with two different types of ranges Start and End Extents In addition to the start and end values, the thickness of the range at the start and end is completely customizable. This allows you to create ranges that get thinner or thicker as you move along the gauge. Pointers CircularGauge supports four distinct pointer types, needle, mark, bar, and label. Any number of pointers can be included in a single gauge, which can present different values (either static or live). All pointers support smooth animation of value changes, providing for a more visually appealing effect. Dampening and Refresh Rate All the pointer types support configurable dampening and refresh rates. Dampening prevents the pointer from jumping around as the value changes and make it seem more realistic. The refresh rate can be used to limit how quickly the pointer updates it's position based on value changes. This gives the end-user a chance to read the current value when lots of changes are made per second. User Interaction The pointers fully support user interaction, which allows the end-user to drag the pointer to a new value/location. With the optional snapping feature enabled, the values entered by the end-user can be automatically rounded. Additional Features Embedding Controls Any UIElement-derived object can be embedded and precisely positioned inside the CircularGauge control, and this includes other gauge controls. For example, a DigitalGauge can be embedded inside a CircularGauge and, using WPF data-binding, can show a textual representation of the current value. Dynamic Sizing The control supports being resized dynamically, so that the inner elements resize proportionally. This is accomplished by specifying percentage-based sizes, but fixed-based sizes can be used if desired. CircularGauge that uses proportional sizing Vector Rendering Using the WPF rendering engine and precisely placed geometries, the control can scaled to any size without losing resolution. Average, Minimum, Maximum Converters Using WPF data-binding, the average, maximum, and minimum values can be shown using value converters provided. The running average for all values can be calculated using only a few bytes of memory, or you can limit the number of values used for calculation. Products WPF Controls WinRT Controls Silverlight Controls WinForms Controls ASP.NET Controls Code Writer App Icons Download Evaluations Freeware Online Demos Purchase Shopping Cart Price Lists Sales FAQ Support My Account Support Tickets Knowledge Base Consulting Services Community Blog Twitter Page Discussion Forums Polls WPFpedia Company About Us Our Customers Testimonials News Room Media Kit Careers Contact Us return false;


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