float: left; Search for: HOME About by DesignPax If you are a small advertiser on a budget, but you still want to take advantage of an ad network for your web banner advertising there are several things that you should keep in mind to get your money’s worth. It is important that you thoroughly research all the networks that you are interested in before you decide on one. Here are some things to keep in mind: Look for a Network that is CPA or CPC The best bet for you as a small advertiser is to be charged for your banner advertising at a CPA or a CPC rate. That way you are only paying for an action or a click rather than traffic to a web site. Specialized Networks For small advertisers, a specialized ad network might end up being more profitable to you. This is basically a network that specializes in a certain type of site. This can work in your favor because they can sometimes get your advertising banner placed on a web site that is more directly related to your banner ad. While the web site might not get as much traffic, you may get more click throughs than a very general web site. Placement of Ads It is best to look for networks that require their ads to be placed in prime locations on web sites. We have learned in a previous post that the placement of advertisements on a page matter. So you want to select a network that will negotiate a good page placement for your advertising banner ads. Quality Reporting You want to make sure that the ad network you decide to work with to get your ad placed is reliable and accurate when reporting your internet banner advertising statistics. This way you will be able to see how well your ad is working for you. Reputation Since your advertising budget is probably small and it is increasingly expensive to advertise, you want to make sure that you are working with a quality company that has gained a trusted reputation from other advertisers and web sites. Do your research, keep your ear to the street and see what others have to say about the ad network you are considering for your banner ad advertising. Comments are closed. Categories Ad Networks Animated Banners Email Campaign Design Facebook Fan Page Design Flash banners General Banners General Design Tips HTML Icon Design Landing Page Design Logo Design Open source CMS Twitter Background Design Uncategorized Website Design Wordpress Theme Design Tagsanimated banners banner design tips blog design Blogging custom design email content email design email design tips facebook business page facebook cover design Facebook design Facebook Design Analysis facebook fan page design Facebook fans facebook landing pages Facebook Marketing Facebook page analysis facebook reveal Fan Gate flash icon design icon designer landing page landing page analysis landing page content landing page design landing page design tips logo design logo design importance logo design process Optimization original logo professional design templates twitter background size twitter design tips twitter promotion tips Web design web designer Website Design website design tips wordpress design wordpress plugins Wordpress tips wordpress widgets Recent Posts What you Should Know When Choosing a WordPress Theme Restaurant Facebook Covers – The Essentials Redesigning your Website for a Special Occasion Icons for Children – What Works? Can Funny Landing Pages be Taken Seriously? Archives Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence. Contribute to the Article DesignPax.com Blog
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