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Shared By: R A Hawley 05-14-2013

Bible 13 Image

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Actipro PropertyGrid - Advanced WPF property grid control Cart Not logged in Log In Register Forgot Password Resend Validation E-mail Products WPF Controls WinRT Controls Silverlight Controls WinForms Controls ASP.NET Controls Code Writer App Icons Download Evaluations Freeware Online Demos Purchase Shopping Cart Price Lists Sales FAQ Support My Account Support Tickets Knowledge Base Consulting Services Community Blog Twitter Page Discussion Forums Polls WPFpedia Company About Us Contact Us Policies Our Customers Testimonials News Room Media Kit Careers PropertyGrid for WPF Powerful and highly customizable editing of object properties Online Demo Download Buy Now Learn More Product Overview Editing Properties Latest Release Supported Environments Expression Blend Other Notes Source Code Available Bundled in WPF Studio Resources WPF Blog Entries Discussion Forums More WPF Controls Additional Benefits Thorough Documentation Help topics cover all controls and product features in great detail. Numerous Samples Many full-source demos and QuickStarts are included. Designer Functionality Configure the product using Visual Studio and Expression Blend designer enhancements. Rock Solid Code All pre-obfuscated code is scanned by the VS Code Analysis tool, and warnings resolved. Editing Actipro PropertyGrid is extremely flexible and gives you lots of control over what is displayed and how. Property Editors Provide a custom look and/or feel for any property displayed. This includes the value cell (right), as well as the name cell (left). Styles can be applied for simple customizations, or an entirely new data template can be used for full control. The PropertyGrid showing various default property editors Integrating the controls from our Editors for WPF product (sold separately) is a snap. This makes data entry much more intuitive for common data types. The PropertyGrid with (right) and without (left) the Editors for WPF controls integrated A special Interop assembly is provided, which allows any UITypeEditors that you may have been using with the WinForms PropertyGrid to be leveraged by our PropertyGrid as well. Category Editors When simple inline property editors are not enough, category editors can be used. These allow more complex interfaces to be used inside the PropertyGrid for presenting/modifying specified properties. Examples of category editors can be seen in Microsoft Expression Blend. The PropertyGrid with (right) and without (left) a category editor, used for modifying three color properties Expandable Properties and Collections Expandable properties, which are properties that expose one or more sub-properties, are fully supported. By default, only properties that use the ExpandableObjectConverter type converter are expandable, but other properties can be forced to be expandable as needed. The PropertyGrid with (right) and without (left) properties forced to be expandable Expandable properties and collections can cause problems if there are cyclic references, but since only the items needed for display are loaded this is not a problem for the PropertyGrid. This lazy loading feature also decreases load times. Collection Editing In addition to being expandable, there is built-in support for inline editing of collection properties. This includes adding and removing items, all of which can be easily customized, with the click of a button. The PropertyGrid showing the inline editing of collection properties Data Validation Full support for the WPF validation system, which is used to validate user input, is included. Error templates, which provide a visual indication of invalid input, can be customized as needed. When total control is required, event handlers can be used to customize the data validation and error handling. A custom error template used inside a property editor Events Several bubbling routed events and included, which notify you when: A property's value is changing A property's value has changed An item is being added to a collection An item has been added to a collection An item is being removed from a collection An item has been removed from a collection These events are in addition to events that tell you when a property/category is being expanded or collapsed. Summary Area Includes support for smooth animated transitions when the content changes. The summary area with a custom button Theming, Layout, and Localization Built-in themes are included for the three Office themes and all Windows system themes. While this encompasses a lot of built-in themes, you can also generate a completely custom tinted theme with a single line of code. For advanced developers who want even more customization possibilities, we've made all our controls so that they can be styled and templated and all primitive elements that are used in our built-in control templates are public. Includes supports right-to-left layouts and all text in the user interface may be localized to other languages. Products WPF Controls WinRT Controls Silverlight Controls WinForms Controls ASP.NET Controls Code Writer App Icons Download Evaluations Freeware Online Demos Purchase Shopping Cart Price Lists Sales FAQ Support My Account Support Tickets Knowledge Base Consulting Services Community Blog Twitter Page Discussion Forums Polls WPFpedia Company About Us Our Customers Testimonials News Room Media Kit Careers Contact Us return false;


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