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Shared By: Jerald Brown 05-14-2013

Clock Refresh 3 Image

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Icon releases and tutorials hourly Comment on Pixel Perfection in Icon Design (revisited) by Dinesh Dinesh Thanks! a real good read. Thanks! a real good read. Comment on Material, Coloration and Gradient in Icon Design (revisited) by me me Comment on Lighting in Icon Design (revisited) by me me great article though, cheers great article though, cheers Comment on Lighting in Icon Design (revisited) by Martin Leblanc Eigtved Martin Leblanc Eigtved Excellent stuff! Excellent stuff! Comment on Lighting in Icon Design (revisited) by MIzan MIzan More than good. thanks for taking your time to put such an article. I am just learning to make icons. let me look at the tutorial series ! :) More than good. thanks for taking your time to put such an article. I am just learning to make icons. let me look at the tutorial series ! Radim IMHO font except of parts in italic are ok. Italic parts dont fit to design. Its hust my opinion. IMHO font except of parts in italic are ok. Italic parts dont fit to design. Its hust my opinion. Oridusartic This is such a good explanation for designing an icon, I enjoy reading the article. My problem, I used to forget about perspective when it comes to draw icon. No wonder I always end with a failure. Drawing icon is really an amazing job and more like an architectural work for it needs many details and stability. This is such a good explanation for designing an icon, I enjoy reading the article. My problem, I used to forget about perspective when it comes to draw icon. No wonder I always end with a failure. Drawing icon is really an amazing job and more like an architectural work for it needs many details and stability. Min Tran Thanks for your notice, Saneef. We just corrected the caption. Thanks for your notice, Saneef. We just corrected the caption. Saneef Min Tran


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