Create illustration icons for websites - Axialis Software Create illustration icons for websites This article provides information on the following topics: Requirements Tryout or Professional Edition In this tutorial, we'll see how to create illustration icons for web sites. If you're a webmaster, you frequently need to illustrate your sites with images. IconWorkshop permits creating images in GIF formats suitable for inclusion in HTML pages from object packs in a snap. Creating a new illustration icon for a website Don't save this icon by a simple File/Save because the file format will be ICO, which is useless for web sites. We'll rather export the current image as GIF with web optimization. 5. Choose File/Export/Compuserve GIF, a dialog box opens: the number of colors you wish to use in the image palette. Limited number of colors will result in smaller file but will produce lower image quality. Creating several illustration images in batch mode 3. Select all the files by pressing Ctrl+A. Right click in the selection and choose Batch Merge Images (PNG, PSD, PNG, GIF). A dialog box opens: 4. Click OK. A GIF optimization dialog box opens. Specify the desired options as we've seen in the previous tutorial, Click OK. The batch procedure starts. Related Topics make cursors Send us feedback about the site. Microsoft, Windows, Windows XP, Windows Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation Adobe, Flash, Photoshop, Illustrator are registered trademarks of Adobe System Incorporated Apple, AppStore, Ipod, iPhone, iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc is owned by Rolera LLC, 2270 Route 30, Oswego, IL 60543 support\at\clker\dot\com