This article provides information on the following topics: Prerequisites Tryout or Corporate/Personal Edition a feature that permits you to choose between Axialis and Microsoft Standard interface. You can also change various settings to customize your interface. A dialog box opens. User Interface tab. In the User Interface Type group, select 3. When done, Click OK. The interface switches Switch to Axialis Interface A dialog box opens. User Interface tab. In the User Interface Type group, select the Axialis Software User Interface option (see the preview image). 3. When done, Click OK. The interface switches back to Axialis model. Change the Color of the Axialis Interface A dialog box opens. User Interface tab. In the User Interface Type group, select the Axialis Software User Interface option (see the preview image). 3. In the Color list below, select the desired color. 4. When done, Click OK. The Axialis interface color changes. Change the Colors of the Full Screen and Documents Backgrounds A dialog box opens. User Interface tab. In the User Interface Type group, select the Axialis Software User Interface option (see the preview image). 3. In the Background Colors group, select the desired colors. 4. When done, Click OK. Customize the Main Toolbar Buttons the main toolbar and choose Customize Buttons or press Ctrl+F9. A dialog box opens. 3. When done, Click OK. Customize the Main Toolbar Aspect A dialog box opens. Toolbars tab. In the Main Toolbar group, you can change various settings. 3. When done, Click OK. Top of Page make cursors Send us feedback about the site. Microsoft, Windows, Windows XP, Windows Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation Adobe, Flash, Photoshop, Illustrator are registered trademarks of Adobe System Incorporated Apple, AppStore, Ipod, iPhone, iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc is owned by Rolera LLC, 2270 Route 30, Oswego, IL 60543 support\at\clker\dot\com