This article provides information on the following topics: transfer plug-in Requirements Tryout or Corporate Edition A template is a ready-to-use image which contains enpty/transparent square areas where you can draw your icons in different formats. This image is designed to be placed in background of your drawing project. You make your artwork in layers that you add on top of this backround template. You can add as many layers as you want and you can save your project as individual files for future use or modifications. Once your work is done, just export it into IconWorkshop, the image will be temporary flatten and the icon created. How many templates are included in IconWorkshop? 3. Windows XP Icon (48x48,...) 8. Windows Project (3 Sizes) transfer plug-in Before using the as detailed in next topic, you need to install it on your computer. The application (if it is opened in background). Choose File/Install box Install the Photoshop to IconWorkshop Transfer Plug-in opens (see below). In the Location edit to choose the folder in a list. 3. If you want to install the plug-in module (recommended to organize your folder properly), a subfolder may fail with some compatible applications. 4. Click OK. When done, a message informs you that the plug-in has been installed. 5. Now you this for more info on how to use the plug-in filter. From here, you can simply draw your icons in the associated format zones and go directly to step 7. If you don't want to draw and prefer to use read-to-use sample images, follow steps 3 to 6. Only the squares with images generated the associated formats. Now if you want to create other formats, you can follow the same procedure as in Lesson 4. Adding other formats using the template Original Template Image Drawing Guidelines Created Icon Sizes Image in perspective with details, light effects and shadows. Image in perspective with a few details, limited light effects and shadows. Add larger borders to enhance visibility Flat image without details and a large border. From here, you can simply draw your 3 images in the associated zones and go directly to step 7. If you don't want to draw and prefer to use read-to-use sample images, follow steps 3 to 6. 8. Various image formats have been created. Simply remove the formats you don't wish to include in your icon. Save the icon. 9. Once you have finished to work on an icon template, we recommend you to save the document using the PSD format. This will permit to work again later on the project, preserving all your layers and effects you may have added. Related Topics make cursors Send us feedback about the site. Microsoft, Windows, Windows XP, Windows Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation Adobe, Flash, Photoshop, Illustrator are registered trademarks of Adobe System Incorporated Apple, AppStore, Ipod, iPhone, iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc is owned by Rolera LLC, 2270 Route 30, Oswego, IL 60543 support\at\clker\dot\com