TITLE: The ensign written by Wm. Haworth. CALL NUMBER: POS - TH - 1894 .E57, no. 1 (C size) <P&P>[P&P] REPRODUCTION NUMBER: _ _ _ _ _ RIGHTS INFORMATION: No known restrictions on publication. MEDIUM: 1 print (poster) : lithograph, color ; 77 x 102 cm. CREATED/PUBLISHED: Cin. ; N.Y. ; Lon. : Strobridge Lith. Co., [ca. 1894] CREATOR: Strobridge & Co. Lith. RELATED NAMES: Haworth, Wm. NOTES: Created by "The Strobridge Lith. Co., Cin. - N.Y. - Lon." Caption: Awaiting the execution of the ensign. No. 4345. SUBJECTS: Couples. Executions. Seamen. Historical dramas. FORMAT: Theatrical posters American.Lithographs Color. PART OF: Theatrical Poster Collection (Library of Congress) REPOSITORY: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA DIGITAL ID: (digital file from intermediary roll copy film) var 0592 http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/var.0592 CONTROL #: var1993000622/PP
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