bhavesh kumbhani's Profile | Clker.com

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User sinceWed, 20 Apr 11 06:17:19 +0000
About me:During my professional carrier my key roll is Application Developer, Project Leader, architect combined with knowledge in Objective C, SQLite, iPhone SDK ,XCODE and various Frameworks and object oriented programming techniques and Effective team player with developing an application through complete project cycle, testing and final implementation.

Specialties: Framework Development, iOS App Development, VOIP (pjsip) app, Business App, Utility App, Puzzle App and Education App for iPhone/iPad/iPod and also android App Development.

I am passionate for achieve my aim. if you need any solution from me about iPhone app development mail on bhavesh.msc@gmail.com.

bhavesh kumbhani
Number of uploads15 See them here
Number of added tags0
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