TITLE: Hell broke loose, or, The murder of Louis, vide, the account of that unfortunate monarch's execution CALL NUMBER: PC 3 - 1793--Hell broke loose ... (A size) [P&P]A microfilm surrogate is provided in preference to the original, as per Divisional preservation policy (Microfilm LOT 12022). REPRODUCTION NUMBER: LC-DIG-ppmsca-10742 (digital file from original print) RIGHTS INFORMATION: No known restrictions on publication. SUMMARY: Print shows the execution of Louis XVI, King of France, January 21, 1793, by guillotine as citizen Louis Capet. Devils stand on the platform as well as fly overhead, suggesting that the beheading of Louis, with its disrespect for the monarchy, has resulted in anarchy in France. MEDIUM: 1 print : etching ; 24.7 x 34 cm. CREATED/PUBLISHED: London : Sold by T. Aitken, No. 14 Castle Street, Leicester Square : Pub. by W. Dent, Jan 25, 1793. CREATOR: Dent, William, fl. 1783-1793, publisher. NOTES: Title from item. Not found in British Museum Catalogue (BMC). Most images available on microfilm, "British Political and Social Cartoons, 1655-1832, not in the British Museum," produced by the Library of Congress Photoduplication Service, 1970 (Microfilm LOT 12022). Unpublished checklist provides captions for images on microfilm. Forms part of: British Cartoon Prints Collection (Library of Congress). SUBJECTS: Louis--XVI,--King of France,--1754-1793--Death & burial. Decapitations--France--Paris--1790-1800. Guillotines--France--Paris--1790-1800. Demons--1790-1800. FORMAT: Cartoons (Commentary) British 1790-1800.Etchings 1790-1800. REPOSITORY: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA DIGITAL ID: (digital file from original print) ppmsca 10742 http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/ppmsca.10742 CONTROL #: 2006680657
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