| | ... If you dont have an avatar, you can get one at gravatar.com, and it will appear here. Clker will default your picture to a wavatar. | User since | Sat, 03 Oct 09 05:39:48 +0000 | About me: | Ryan did not set his/her about me yet. | Number of uploads | 42 See them here | Number of added tags | 16 |
Ryan's Wall Leave a message on Ryan's wall
Hayes |
Ryan, How do we properly credit you? Can you tell us your last name? |
I will sure to credit you. Thank you. |
Sure if you want to but don't forget to give me credit :) |
I mean can I use your "Newchryslerbuilding" Clip Art for commercial use? |
I drew it so um, what do you mean by public domain? |
Is the "Newchryslerbuilding" Clip Art public domain?
I just want to let you know that I want to use it for a greeting card. Thank you.
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